Accessing the Flow Execution Panel

The Flow Execution Panel is accessible in three ways:

Accessing the Panel Directly

Using the direct URL of Flow Execution Panel, users can execute flows that require user input only (or no input at all). Flows that gather the bulk of their input via a Smart Form or a custom data set fall into this category. The direct URL to navigate to in your browser follows this pattern.


Replace 'YourExperlogixSmartFlowsAccount' with your actual account in the pattern. You will be prompted to log in before you are taken to the flow selection panel.

Accessing the Panel via a Connector App

Experlogix Smart Flows comes with several turn-key integrations for popular third-party business applications. These integrations include plug-and-play apps that add Experlogix Smart Flows controls to the host application. Typically, these apps also include a control to access Flow Execution Panel.

Please refer to Connectors for information on installing and configuring these connector apps.

Opening the Flow Execution Panel from Experlogix for Microsoft Dynamics

You access the Flow Execution Panel by selecting a record (or multiple) and then clicking the Smart Flows button:

This will open a new tab in your browser.

You can also select the arrow next to the button to bring up the fly-out menu:

The fly-out menu shows all the flows that can be run for the current entity. Clicking one of them will still open a new tab, but the flow will already be running so you save some time.

Opening the Flow Execution Panel from Experlogix for Sugar

You access the Flow Execution Panel by selecting a record (or multiple) and then clicking the 'Actions' button. 

If you know which flow to execute, select the ' Quick Run' button. This will refresh the menu and display all the flows available for that entity.

In this example, only one flow, called 'Opportunity Report', is available. Selecting the flow name will open the Flow Execution Panel and automatically launch the flow.

If you don't know which flow to execute, you select 'Smart Flows' in the pop-up menu to open the Flow Execution Panel.

The same pop-up menu is also available when you are inside a record. The Smart Flows buttons are visible in the Actions menu, usually in the record form's upper right corner.

Making the button appear for users

The button is, by default, not available for any user. Only users with a Smart Flows security role can see the button - any one of the roles gives access to the Flow Execution Panel.

This page explains everything about users and how to manage them.


Pop-ups are blocked

Even if the button is there, you may still be unable to access the Flow Execution Panel because pop-ups are blocked. This prevents Smart Flows from opening a new tab to present the panel:

CRM may let you know (or not), but your browser will definitely tell you:

Select this icon and then choose to allow pop-ups:

Now select the Smart Flows button again - the Flow Execution Panel will open in a new tab.

Logged in with the wrong user

This shouldn't happen often, but it's possible, you are logged in (in the Flow Execution Panel) with a different user than your CRM user. You can access the panel, but when you try to run a flow, you'll get the following error:

This usually happens to administrators who use a Native user to log in to the Project Console, then open CRM, log in with their CRM credentials, and then try to run a flow. The Flow Execution Panel that opens doesn't ask for credentials because the administrator was already logged in with a Native user.